Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Today is an absolutely gorgeous day outside, and I am glad we were all able to go out and enjoy it.  As I sat and watched the kids playing, I thought about how I would never see my Annabelle play like that. But for some reason I had a peace come over me and I knew she would be happier than possible on Earth up in Heaven.  And she will be able to keep an eye on her big brother and big sister from there. 
Annabelle is actually getting stronger every day.  I think she is setting out to prove me wrong, when I told everyone how weak she feels to me compared to her siblings.  I think she sits higher than my other 2 and her foot is constantly in my ribs. Even though it hurts, it's almost a nice constant reminder than she is quite alive and kicking! :-) 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for some peaceful feelings! And I love that she is trying to prove you wrong - she's a tough little cookie ; ) XOXO
