Thursday, July 7, 2011


First of all, Happy 5th Anniversary to my wonderful husband!!!  I am proud to be Ron's wife, as he makes me a better wife, mother, and person.  We have been through so much already and have only grown closer.  I am thrilled I found someone so wonderful to spend my life with. :-)

We had our ultrasound this morning and needless to say I didn't sleep well because I was a bundle of nerves.  I was hoping that Danny would do well, and I didn't need to worry.  Although it was difficult to make out a lot of what he was seeing, he specifically asked to see Annabelle's ouchie and proceeded to tell the ultrasound tech that she was ours and he wanted to keep her at our house forever.  He is such a sweetheart and I only hope that we can make her passing as understandable and bearable as possible for him.  When we saw her gorgeous lips and button nose, he just said she's beautiful. It made my heart melt.  I think if he wasn't in the room, I would have completely broken down, but with him there I had the strength to enjoy the ultrasound and only shed a few tears. 
We found out that Annabelle is measuring appx. 29 weeks (I will be 33 weeks tomorrow), so she is tiny and the ultrasound tech could not determine an approximate weight because of her head measurments.  She could only tell us that she was very little and I have a feeling Annabelle won't make it to 6 pounds to qualify for organ/tissue donation.   I also have a lot of extra fluid, which explains why I am so much more uncomfortable at this point than I was with my other pregnancies.  I am measuring at almost 37 weeks and my stomach is so taught the nurse midwife had a difficult time measuring/feeling for Annabelle.  It basically feels like I am constantly having a contraction.  But the most painful is the fact that my uterus is pressing against my ribs and has bruised them at this point.  We discussed having some fluid drained, but it is a temporary solution with risks involved.  At this point it's not something I want to do, but if the fluid keeps building up, it may become a possiblility.  My daughter is beautiful and even though seeing her head was a bit jarring all I could concentrate on was how much her features reminded me of Lilah's.  She truly looks like an angel.  It was an emotional experience, but I am so glad that we got to see her moving around and content.  It makes any discomfort and pain worth it.  I would do anything for any of my children, and Annabelle is no exception. 

I love you little girl!  I am so happy I got to see you today. :-) 

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